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Entering DCs house music scene at an interesting point in time, Vania brings her seasoned, evolving and astute taste of house music at its core. Originally hailing down from Bolivia with an up bringing in Northern Virginia, her humble beginnings and intentions place this rising star on a very focused track, pun intended. Even before setting a finger on any turntable, Vania's critical taste in real house music was evident in her day to day playlists of music. This affinity for house music eventually translated to a deeper appreciation and love for the music.

Vania’s skill set as a DJ has virtually exploded her reputation in Washington DC. She now has multiple residencies in some of the most reputable and finest places in DC. It doesn’t stop there, her success as a DJ is taking to some of the most thriving and dynamic cites in the United States, such as: New York and San Francisco to name a few, opening for names such as Marcos Carnaval, My Digital Enemy and Bobina for instance. Vania is the newest, but most promising member of the Skylite DC talent roster. Her taste in house music leaves an incredible amount to be desired, and is indicative of a concrete presence for her in the house music scene not only for Skylite DC, but Washington D.C.in general. Make sure to catch her!